Tabletop hand sanitiser dispenser
The hand sanitiser dispenser is mounted on a short tabletop stand made of metal for stability. Hand gel is dispensed by depressing the lever, either by hand or by using the sleeve or elbow if preferred.
The well-designed unit is perfect for standing on a counter, bar or reception desk.
The lever dispenser has a number of practical features:
The table stand is easy to assemble - simply join the leg to the base, engage the dispenser unit and tighten two screws.
Generally the dispenser is left free-standing and can be moved around if required. In this case use the four stick-on bumper feet to protect the counter-top or desk Alternatively the metal base can be stuck down to the tabletop with two strips of double-sided tape. This offers increased security when demanded by the location. For example on the counter of a fast food outlet or busy school servery it may be prudent to fix the unit in position using the supplied double-stick tape..