Premium A3 sign holder with stand-off fittings
Premium acrylic sign holder is perfect for wayfinding signs and other prestige signage projects. The ready-to-fix A3 sign holder is supplied with two die-cut clear acrylic plates, secured by four stand-off fittings. Printable A3 inserts are included for you to print your own A3 signs on a laser or inkjet office printer. The special paper inserts are translucent giving your finished sign a pearlescent appearance. Additional blank inserts are available as an accessory.
Our range of Crystal clear acrylic signs includes this A3 size which can be mounted either portrait or landscape - perfect for the elegant display of prints, graphics and artwork as well as notices and information. With its stylish stand-off fixings and clear acrylic display area, your print will appear to float off the wall. These frames look great, are durable and easy to install and will add impact and wow! to your interior decor.