Grip Strip clear PVC U-channel fixing
Grip Strip is a clear plastic U-shaped channel specifically intended for screwing onto wooden displays to hold plastic Slim Frames. Grip Strip is popular in the garden centre industry for securing frames onto wooden plant benches. The frames are a firm push fit and are held securely.
Grip Strip is extruded in clear (slightly frosted appearance) PVC and can be used successfully outdoors or inside. It can easily be cut to length - plastic pipe cutters or secateurs are suitable.
Grip Strip is a product unique to Green Magic Co. We supply this U channel as part of our outdoor signage system for garden retailers.
The clear plastic channel secures our Slim Frame bed card holders with a firm push fit. We have developed this product over many years and it has become a standard option to many of the UK garden centre benching manufacturers. Grip Strip is designed for use with Green Magic Slim Frames - only the Slim Frames will stay firmly in place on a windy day. Whilst initially it may seem more expensive than traditional bed card tracking in densely packed A-Z areas the system pays for itself as the point of sale stays protected from the wind and elements, no more picking the bed cards up off the floor every morning! When the stock changes location just take the slim frame with it and plug it into the new location.
When bed cards are spaced further apart, Grip Strip displays come into their own as the lowest cost and most versatile method to display 8x6 inch and A5 bed cards professionally.