Green Magic Co is committed to excellence in all aspects of our business and this includes environmental protection, which we consider an integral part of our operations.
We regard Government legislation as a minimum standard, which should be improved upon wherever it is reasonable to do so.
We recognise that environmental protection is essential for the well-being of employees and the natural habitat and will do our best to protect them.
We accept that we have a duty of care to ensure that those acting on our behalf for waste disposal are competent to do so and discharge their duties correctly.
We have adopted a policy to ensure that we recycle waste whenever it is reasonable to do so.
Green Magic Co.'s policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for our employees and to provide such information, training, and supervision as they need for this purpose. For details refer to our full health and safety documentation.
Green Magic Co. has a commitment to the principle of equal opportunity in employment and is opposed to any less or more favourable treatment being accorded to employees or future job applicants on the basis of their age, physical ability, colour, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation.