Top Tips

You'll find a variety of useful information here. 'How-to' guides, handy tips, tricks of the trade, and all sorts of useful insights and advice. From step-by-step instructions to simple lists to spark some inspiration, it's all here. We're always looking for ways to help our customers. If we've not covered something here that you think would be useful, just get in touch - you never know, we might even blog about it to help others too.

  1. Part 2: Keeping it Fresh - 5 more ways to enhance your garden centre displays.

    Part 2: Keeping it Fresh - 5 more ways to enhance your garden centre displays.
    In Part 1, we covered the essentials of location, placement, intention, wayfinding, and pricing in your garden centre displays. Now, let’s dive into five more ways to ensure your signage stays engaging, eye-catching, and effective throughout the season. A well-maintained, thoughtfully designed display will keep customers returning and encouraging more browsing – and buying! Continue reading →
  2. Part 1: Cultivating Attention - 5 Garden Centre Display Ideas for a refreshed look.

    Part 1: Cultivating Attention - 5 Garden Centre Display Ideas for a refreshed look.
    Spring is a time of revitalisation and fresh starts for gardens and garden centers alike - it’s a perfect time to refresh your store and we’ve got some handy Garden Centre display ideas for you to capture new attention. Continue reading →
  3. Fireworks and Pets: Say no to “One Last Bang"

    Fireworks and Pets: Say no to “One Last Bang"
    How to Keep Bonfire Night Celebrations Considerate for Animals by avoiding “One Last Bang”. Download a free poster to support our campaign.   As we approach Bonfire Night, fireworks displays are a tradition many look forward to, lighting up the skies with colourful displays and marking a festive season. However, while the enjoyment for revellers is clear, it can be...
  4. Self-cling and stick-on poster holders - a great choice for displaying information

    Self-cling and stick-on poster holders - a great choice for displaying information
    Today's world is awash with information and whether you manage facilities for an office block, school, retailer, healthcare provider or catering service, you'll know how crucial it is to effectively display information. Whether you're sharing notices about promotions, safety protocols, or upcoming events, finding the right method of display is crucial. Self-cling and stick-on poster holders are great for displaying information. Continue reading →
  5. Make the most of your window displays: 6 Top Tips

    Make the most of your window displays: 6 Top Tips
    Making the most of your window display is crucial to attracting customers whether you are a well-known chain store in a premium shopping mall, a high street boutique, a charity shop or a local hair and beauty salon. Continue reading →
  6. Harnessing AI for Inspiring Educational Environments

    Harnessing AI for Inspiring Educational Environments
    Discover how the innovative fusion of AI and creativity is revolutionising classroom materials. The creation of a poster promoting inclusivity in schools is a testament to the power of AI as a collaborator in communication and creative expression.   Continue reading →
  7. Curate your own pop-up exhibition

    Curate your own pop-up exhibition
    Art is everywhere and is for everyone That sounds like a bold statement, but from Stephen Wright's House of Dreams to the Beyond the Streets exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery to album covers and advertising hoardings, art is all around us and isn't just for the rich and privileged elite. Art can tell us a story, give us ideas, make a statement, capture a moment in time for future generations to understand us, or take us to new and unfamiliar places. Continue reading →
  8. How mobile hairdressers can benefit from artificial intelligence

    How mobile hairdressers can benefit from artificial intelligence
    This isn’t another blonde joke. It’s a short tale about how AI (artificial intelligence) can help in unexpected ways. This short article is also an illustration of how a human brain, teamed up with artificial intelligence, can deliver a business idea... at speed. Which could be relevant to mobile hairdressers  – or to anyone who wants to promote a business, event or community project.   Continue reading →
  9. Choosing the right sign holder

    Choosing the right sign holder
    We are surrounded by signs in our day-to-day life - warning signs, danger signs, notices, instructions ... It seems like there is a never-ending deluge of signs and symbols vying for our attention. If you want to stand out from the crowd, be noticed and effectively communicate your message, getting the right sign holder is a must. Here, we give...
  10. Chalkboards and Chalk Pens - Our Handy Guide

    Chalkboards and Chalk Pens - Our Handy Guide
    From schools to weddings the list is endless when is comes to chalkboards and chalk pens. The versatility and ability to personalise allows you to be creative and create eye-catching artwork and advertisements at minimal cost. The recent demand for chalkboard and chalk pen products has encouraged us to build and broaden our range to suit your every need. We...

Items 1 to 10 of 19 total
