Buying Guides

A collection of buying guides and information articles created to help you understand the differences between certain types of product, navigate through the choices available, or give more detail about a product and its uses. We're always happy to provide further help if we can - if you have any questions about our products, please send us an email at or give us a call.  

  1. Part 1: Cultivating Attention - 5 Garden Centre Display Ideas for a refreshed look.

    Part 1: Cultivating Attention - 5 Garden Centre Display Ideas for a refreshed look.
    Spring is a time of revitalisation and fresh starts for gardens and garden centers alike - it’s a perfect time to refresh your store and we’ve got some handy Garden Centre display ideas for you to capture new attention. Continue reading →
  2. How to choose the perfect hanging wire system for your needs

    How to choose the perfect hanging wire system for your needs
    A hanging wire system is a versatile collection of components used to display or hang various items. Traditionally used for pictures, these systems are now popular for suspending signs, point-of-sale displays, light fittings, and even acoustic ceiling panels.   Continue reading →
  3. Why you should display certificates in your workplace

    Why you should display certificates in your workplace
    Creating a professional environment is a key element in building your business's reputation. Display your hard-earned certificates in your workplace to show clients and colleagues your commitment to professional standards. Continue reading →
  4. LED Light Boxes

    LED Light Boxes
    Light boxes have been proven to work effectively within the retail and catering sector to increase visibility and attract the attention of current and potential customers. They allow you to create high impact signs for your business branding and promotions. How does it work? Our Light boxes are lined with LED bulbs to allow back lighting, the super energy-efficient LEDs...
  5. Product Focus: Snap Frames

    Product Focus: Snap Frames
    What is a snap frame? Snap frames are a massively popular type of picture and poster holder. Their unique design enables the whole frame to open up, making changing your posters and pictures simple and fast. The spring-open feature has made them one of the most used styles of frame for point-of-sale displays in retail, and you will see them...
  6. Is there a difference between acrylic and polycarbonate?

    Is there a difference between acrylic and polycarbonate?
    Is there a difference between acrylic and polycarbonate and, if so, is it important? Sign Holders at Green Magic supplies a range of products made from both acrylic and polycarbonate. To help you buy with confidence, this is a short overview of both and their benefits. What is acrylic? Acrylic is a type of plastic, fibre, paint or fabric. It...
  7. Chalkboards and Chalk Pens - Our Handy Guide

    Chalkboards and Chalk Pens - Our Handy Guide
    From schools to weddings the list is endless when is comes to chalkboards and chalk pens. The versatility and ability to personalise allows you to be creative and create eye-catching artwork and advertisements at minimal cost. The recent demand for chalkboard and chalk pen products has encouraged us to build and broaden our range to suit your every need. We...
  8. Choosing the perfect leaflet rack or brochure stand

    Choosing the perfect leaflet rack or brochure stand
    A leaflet rack can be a simple tiered leaflet stand placed on a table through to a substantial floor display accommodating many different sales brochures. With so many models and options on the market, choosing the right leaflet rack or brochure stand to suit your requirements and company image can be a challenge. This simple guide highlights a few factors...
  9. Eye catching window poster holders - which ones are right for your shop?

    Eye catching window poster holders - which ones are right for your shop?
    Retailers with windows on a busy high street will understand the importance of an interesting, eye catching shop window display. This is your chance to draw in new potential customers. In the day and age where high street shops are under threat from internet business, your shop window is your selling point, do not let it let you down. This...
  10. Top Marks for changeable signs for schools

    Why might you need easily changeable signs in your school? Changeable signs and information notices are increasingly produced in-house due to the need to reduce printing costs. Schools are investing in reusable poster frames as most have a low initial cost and are economic because they are reusable. They have many uses in schools from general notices and dinner menus...

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