Retailers with windows on a busy high street will understand the importance of an interesting, eye catching shop window display. This is your chance to draw in new potential customers. In the day and age where high street shops are under threat from internet business, your shop window is your selling point, do not let it let you down.
This neat new shop signage solution offers the perfect permanent fix for those currently using Sellotape or blue tack to display window signs. The reusable adhesive strips at either end hold the window pocket in place, whilst a fastening magnetic strip sandwiches the poster in between the glass and poster protector. They are an aid to the perfect shop window display. Alternatively display your graphics inside the shop window using poster hanging rails called poster snap bars.
Investing in both self cling and adhesive window poster holders will bring benefits for your business. Aesthetically they are much more pleasing than self stuck posters, and they come at a relatively low-cost for the outcome you will achieve. Conveying your promotions and products to the public is an important aim for any business, so arguably this will be your best spend as a business.
If you have one big window pane then you can go as big as you like up to A1 size (59 x 84 cm) and bigger. Try to create an interesting campaign maybe with 3 large posters side by side, all conveying a similar message. If you are going to display multiple posters then make sure they are aligned with each other. The frames are reusable so don't be afraid to keep re-positioning them until you get it right. If you do not have a large space in which to display then you will have to shrink the posters down, don't go as large as you possibly can, customers do like to see into a shop before they enter it.
The window poster holders pictured here come with suction cups to allow fixing directly to the glass whilst retaining the ability to change poster weekly as new offers are announced.
These window poster holders come in a wide variety of colours. Before you choose your favourite colour or what you think looks smart you need to decide which will enhance your corporate image. Do you have a company colour scheme? What colours appeal to your target audience? Do a little research before you jump in, you may find you will reap the rewards.
Alternatively go for the frameless look! Poster pockets can be attached directly to the glass or install a cable display system with clear acrylic pockets like estate agents and travel agents use.Fundamentally this investment will help give your shop window a 'quick fix make over'. Taking a matter of minutes to install, with no features that could create permanent damage, self cling and adhesive window poster frames hold many advantages over many of their competitors.